Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is an epic emotional story of two worlds, Talokan and Wakanda, fighting to control their future kingdoms. However, amid all the emotional...
Do you prefer your true crime to be a little less…murder-y? Do you love a story about someone who cons people like it’s their job (because...
If you want to better understand exactly how big a deal it is that the cryptocurrency exchange FTX just imploded, you could do worse than talk...
To get a roundup of TechCrunch’s biggest and most important stories delivered to your inbox every day at 3 p.m. PDT, subscribe here. Hoooo boy. As...
Twitter has descended into absolute chaos in recent days as its new owner, Elon Musk, chases his new revenue stream: Twitter Blue, the platform’s refurbished paid...
DeviantArt, the Wix-owned artist community, today announced a new protection for creators to disallow art-generating AI systems from being developed using their artwork. An option on...
Play can be therapeutic. But can you dare to imagine a future where gaming is just what the doctor literally ordered? It’s a future that DeepWell...
To get a roundup of TechCrunch’s biggest and most important stories delivered to your inbox every day at 3 p.m. PDT, subscribe here. Tech reporting is...
Seventy years ago, in November 1952, the Peanuts comic strip debuted a new gag: Lucy holds a football for Charlie Brown to kick, then pulls it...
As a part of its Advanced Manufacturing Fund, Apple will invest $450 million in satellite network and ground stations to power Emergency SOS, its service for...