Shortcomings opens with a movie in a movie. We meet Mrs. Wong (Stephanie Hsu), a woman in a fancy yellow gown, just as her application for...
Tiki, a short-form video app, is set to cease operations in India on June 27, the latest addition to a growing roster of businesses that have...
Hello, friends, and welcome to Week in Review, TechCrunch’s regular digest of the top tech news over the past several days. Sign up here to get...
Pretty much everything you see in this image is a galaxy — an entire galaxy brimming with stars. Astronomers recently trained the profoundly powerful James Webb...
Scientists have made giant leaps honing the techniques for finding worlds outside of Earth’s solar system, detecting new ones on the order of hundreds every year....
Male sex toys don’t get talked about with the same celebration with which we hear women evangelize about their vibrators. They are seen as kinky additions...
Reddit’s unpopular decision to revise its API pricing in a move that’s forcing third-party apps out of business has taken a weird turn. In an AMA...
Carvana’s big rally is now looking more like a blip on the radar. Shares in the online-car retailer soared Thursday, closing up by 56% from the...
Bringing sex toys into partnered sex can open up entirely new realms of pleasure for everyone involved. Toys do things our bodies just cannot, like pulse...
Meta is set to appeal Kenya’s court decision declaring it as the primary employer of the moderators that review content on its platforms in sub-Saharan Africa....