Should you ever get back together with an ex? It’s a complicated question when you’ve shared a powerful bond with someone, celebrated birthdays, movie premieres, life...
The Station is a weekly newsletter dedicated to all things transportation. Sign up here — just click The Station — to receive the newsletter every weekend in your inbox....
Hello, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s regular newsletter that covers the biggest happenings in tech over the past few days. Haven’t been...
A Portuguese-language spyware called WebDetetive has been used to compromise more than 76,000 Android phones in recent years across South America, largely in Brazil. WebDetetive is...
In Nazi Germany in 1938, scientists achieved the remarkable: they split an atom. When physicists at Princeton heard the news, they became a “stirred-up ant heap.”...
Part teen sex comedy, part Fight Club smackdown, Bottoms‘ wild duality comes through loud and clear in every aspect of its filmmaking — including its makeup...
The meme economy rarely falters, and as the impetus for much of our social posting, memes have become the common vernacular and social currency of generations...
None of us really needed a planned day to appreciate our furry friends, but we have one anyway. Are we upset about it? Absolutely not. We’ll...
I was ready to love Eight Sleep’s Pod 3. Honestly, I was sold straight away. I’d heard about using a cooling system to regulate your bed’s...
Memes can happen in the blink of an eye, like a Jeopardy! contestant who accidentally makes a sexual innuendo under the pressure of stage lights, or...