Justine Triet’s thoroughly engaging Anatomy of a Fall examines the way information reveals character, and vice versa, during an unfolding murder trial. Sandra, a German novelist...
Well, we’ve come to the end. Over a decade since Top Boy first aired in the UK, and Dushane and Sully (Ashley Walters and Kane Robinson)...
Starfield is officially, actually out, with no strings attached. Now it’s time to make some big choices. With the biggest Xbox game of the year now...
There are times in which it seems oh-so-obvious that tech bros love science-fiction films. They’re obsessed with a vaguely utopian ideal that has no chance in...
“Gary Johnson” seems like the kind of unassuming name a screenwriter might make up for someone content in his mundane routine. It’s the perfect name for...
Period dramas are a perfect example of the phrase “truth is stranger than fiction.” Humans have been weird for as long as they’ve been around, and...
U.S. lawmakers are coming for the free and open internet in the name of “child safety,” and now they’re even saying the quiet part out loud....
“Some people, they wanna do the right thing. I like doing the wrong thing.” In 2012, James Franco spoke those words as Alien, an eccentric Florida...
Jimmy Buffett died Friday evening. He was 76. The world was worse for it — things were a bit less bright, less funny, and certainly a...
UPDATE: Sep. 3, 2023, 5:05 a.m. EDT This story has been updated to reflect the official streaming release date of ‘The Little Mermaid’ on Disney+. TL;DR:...