The following review contains spoilers for the ending of Spellbound. For a movie that features dark curses, enchanted forests, and...
Concord is Firewalk’s debut game — and it’s part of Sony’s initiative in releasing more live-service games. With the monumental success of Helldivers 2 earlier this...
The holiday that is “Labor Day” has official significance, of course, but that first September Monday often just serves as the definitive marker that summer is...
If you’ve scrolled through TikTok recently, you might have noticed that it’s not just viral dances, get-ready-with-mes and story-time videos on your For You Page right...
In a world where scammers seem to be working overtime, protecting yourself from fraud has become an essential life skill. While a good antivirus will make...
We’ve been anticipating the release of Longlegs for months and now it’s officially available to watch from behind a blanket on your couch at home. Written...