After a quarter of a century in wrestling, John Cena is retiring from in-ring action later this year. However, the...
Walking out of A Complete Uknown and into the streets of New York City, not from where Bob Dylan tramped about in his vagabond days of...
Social media platforms have historically run their content moderation much like a parent running a house full of teenagers: If you live under my roof, you...
When it comes to J.R.R. Tolkien adaptations, Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is a tough act to follow. Look no further than the Hobbit...
Grab your obscene popcorn bucket, because it’s time to look back on 2024, an absolutely outrageous year at the films. Sequels soared at the box office,...
The Severance Season 2 trailer finally told us what happened after Season 1’s gnarly cliffhanger — but it also left us with a ton more questions....