American Primeval is decently entertaining as an action-drama, though it’s quite fascinating in concept. The Netflix mini-series, created by Mark...
Nintendo’s new Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake is unique in that it has a nearly unlimited capacity to make you smile, but it’ll similarly bum...
Adobe announced on Tuesday the addition of a Generative Remove feature for Lightroom. Built atop Firefly, the gen AI feature makes it possible to seamlessly edit...
OpenAI is removing one of the voices used by ChatGPT. Users found that it sounded similar to Scarlett Johansson, the company announced on Monday, and Johansson...
Dating app maker Bumble has acquired Geneva, an online platform built around forming real-world groups and clubs. The company said that the deal is designed to...
House of the Dragon Season 2 is on the horizon, and judging by the trailer it’s going to be every bit as dramatic as the first...