American Primeval is decently entertaining as an action-drama, though it’s quite fascinating in concept. The Netflix mini-series, created by Mark...
By now I don’t need to tell you Google has rolled out a feature called “AI Overviews” in Search and made it so that millions of...
When it comes to the world of venture-backed startups, some issues are universal, and some are very dependent on where the startups and its backers are...
To give AI-focused women academics and others their well-deserved — and overdue — time in the spotlight, TechCrunch has been publishing a series of interviews focused on remarkable...
It’s rare that a single feature in a tech product can generate a week’s worth of headlines. But that’s what happened when OpenAI CEO Sam Altman...
The skies can be clear, blue, and tranquil. “And all of a sudden, boom, you hit it,” Dan Bubb, a former airline pilot and now an...