India has long harbored a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and it’s not uncommon to see people leaving jobs to set up their own businesses. A hallmark of...
“You have to watch this show. There’s this guy Kendall Roy, you’ll love him.” Those were the words that got Emilia Smart-Denson, a 24-year-old woman in...
If you plan to launch a new startup in France, Denmark or Sweden, there is a new seed fund looking for your pitch. Emblem is announcing...
For most of the Information Age, businesses that had wanted to scale invested in server farms and hired teams to keep them running. At one of...
Falling in love, with the aid of rose-tinted glasses, we experience something called the “honeymoon stage” — the blissful carefree period of a relationship where your...
“Pick a piece of music. Something sad as hell. Just feel your feelings,” seasoned therapist Paul (Harrison Ford) tells his colleague Jimmy (Jason Segel) in episode...
Wingtra’s drones are used to perform surveying missions by organizations around the world, including NASA and the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the startup is mapping...
Social media giant Meta and its Kenya-based content moderation partners, Sama and Majorel, are facing a new lawsuit in Kenya. In a petition filed today, 43...
This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience. Everyone’s got a brand to promote these days,...
“Fuck this franchise.” Mindy Meeks-Martin (Jasmin Savoy Brown) says it almost down the camera, having recently been stabbed by the latest Ghostface killer in Scream VI....