The Skywalker saga has come to an end. 42 years after A New Hope hit cinemas, the final episode of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, The...
Throughout the entirety of my childhood, I viewed multiple film and stage adaptations of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol annually during the holiday season. For the...
There’s an old parlor game called Consequences. In its most advanced form, you write a paragraph on a sheet of paper, fold the paper over leaving...
Almost a century into this whole television thing, you’d think we’d have run out of uncanny stories and innovative ways to tell them. Yet even with...
The giant, money-printing machine called Star Wars isn’t even close to finished, but The Rise of Skywalker‘s release on Dec. 20 will cap off the story...
Lovers of musicals were treated to a varied range of options this year, such as Frozen 2, Rocketman, Guava Island, and the finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend....
The Star Wars universe is home to many things peculiar and awe-inspiring: Creatures born from imagination. Distant worlds of every possible climate. Magical powers binding the...
After two years away from our friends Rey, Poe, and Finn, we’re about to be reunited with them in this month’s Star Wars: The Rise of...
Goo goo g’joob, Watchmen fans. HBO’s first – and perhaps only! – season of Watchmen is now officially over and wow, what an ending. Jon Osterman,...
On the one hand, Fortnite x Star Wars is such an outlandish and untested idea, you have to admire the sheer chutzpah of Epic Games. On...