Content warning: This review contains discussion of rape and sexual violence. You won’t be able to shake I May Destroy You from your thoughts. After watching,...
Congratulations, class of 2020. The teens of 13 Reasons Why have finally graduated, as Netflix released the fourth and final season on Friday. It’s been a...
If you want to find inspiration for all the new art supplies you’ve stocked up on, or you’re simply wanting to delve into a history lesson...
Say his name, Roger Goodell. The NFL would like to apologize for ignoring players who have protested police violence and racial inequality since 2016. There’s just...
As nationwide protests continue in response to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, the Black Lives Matter movement remains as important as...
Netflix’s Space Force may have its issues, but there’s no denying the strength of that cast. The series boasts an enviable roster of regulars and guest...
It’s possible Mario’s Game Gallery, originally released for Windows in 1995 with seemingly little involvement from Nintendo, was the first video game I ever played. It...
Space Force has landed on Netflix. So, what’s up with the real thing? In response to Donald Trump’s 2018 announcement of the United States’ newest military...
It’s not easy to find all the best documentaries on a single streaming service. But with dozens of free offerings as well as films available for...
OK. Deep breath. Let’s do this. After months of scouring Netflix for the best thrillers, best action flicks, best romantic comedies, best horror films, best family...