BBC Three and Hulu’s adaptation of Sally Rooney’s debut novel Conversations with Friends arrived last month, and despite being led by the same creative team behind...
TikTok users regularly complain of hours lost on the platform, thanks to the video app’s unmatched ability to distract, entertain and engage users by way of...
With Jurassic World: Dominion, it’s clear: Colin Trevorrow is the worst thing that’s happened to dinosaurs since that asteroid knocked them all into the past tense....
WhatsApp has been warned by European regulators it has one more month to fix its confusing terms of service, the Commission said today. The Meta-owned messaging...
Instagram is my waiting room app. I don’t use it every day, but when I have a couple of spare minutes, I like to casually check...
Link-in-bio platform Linktree is launching a new one-stop directory for users to browse its platform partners and integrations. The company says the new hub, which is called...
Last year, Instagram added a way for users to filter some kinds of “sensitive” content out of the Explore tab. Now, Instagram is expanding that setting,...
Instagram announced today that it’s launching the ability for users to pin up to three posts, including photos or Reels, to the top of their profile...
A game studio, HiDef, announced today that it is teaming up with camera company Snap Inc. to develop an off-platform Bitmoji-based dance and music social game....
Ms. Marvel doesn’t even try to disguise the formulaic origin story anchoring its opening episodes on Disney+. The tricky family dynamic, the low-rent costume, the deserted...