As the credits of Netflix’s sci-fi thriller Spiderhead tell us, this movie is based on the George Saunders short story “Escape from Spiderhead,” originally published in...
Telegram has amassed over 700 million monthly active users and is rolling out a premium tier with additional features as the instant messaging platform pushes to...
UPDATE: Jun. 19, 2022, 1:25 p.m. EDT This story has been updated for clarity and sensitivity Black Twitter is the beating heart of Twitter overall. If...
As several Apple stores across the country fight to unionize, workers in Towson, Maryland became the first to win formal recognition. Out of 110 eligible employees,...
Read-later apps are a convenient way to bookmark digital content that you want to return to. Such apps can save articles, Twitter threads, and even entire...
Welcome back to Chain Reaction. Last week, we talked about layoffs and the Winklevoss rock gods. This week, we’re looking at a new layer of crypto...
While a sentient AI is a thoroughly freaky concept, it’s not (yet) a reality. But a racist and sexist AI? Unfortunately, very much a reality. In...
Forgive me if I’m over here, in the corner, having vibrant flashbacks to the Commodore 64, my very first computer. Today, Pentaform launches its AbacusBasic, a...
Yeah, masturbating is cool, but have you ever tried masturbating with sex toys? We want to be clear, we say this with all the love in...
Brex’s decision to largely exit the SMB market has caught its customers, market observers and even its competitors by surprise. And while the affected customers scramble...