For three seasons, Miracle Workers has been a miracle of its own. A high-concept, low-budget TBS comedy that puts together an explicable yet excellent ensemble that...
Around 1,800 miles beneath your feet lies a giant, blazing-hot ball of metal. It’s the innermost part of our planet, Earth‘s core. It has a profound...
The James Webb Space Telescope lets astronomers see a tremendous number of deep space galaxies — and they’re finding some peculiar things. Of note, scientists recently...
It all started with the Barbie selfie generator — that was the calm before the pink storm that’s rightfully taken over our days and turned them...
My litter box is an open plastic box underneath the sink in my small Brooklyn bathroom. My cat, Colby Jack, likes to keep a clean house...
Another hot summer week, another excuse to stay indoors and watch a movie. An ample amount of exciting films and TV shows are releasing this summer,...
Two greatest bros plus trouble in a bubble equals good times, as established by the 1996 comedy Bio-Dome. This year’s sci-fi sleeper, Biosphere, holds true to...
While the internet is abuzz with talk of Meta’s new Twitter competitor, Threads, a significant portion of migrating users are already frustrated, and not because of...
It’s easy to find quality deals on a lot of tech during Amazon‘s flagship Prime Day sale — but laptops, not so much. The retailer’s listings are...
The Idol‘s release has rehashed my love for fictional pop stars. Sure, Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp) didn’t really give us much, but the thought of what could...