Welcome to our 40th Pitch Deck Teardown! Goodness, time flies. Of those 40, just three were angel rounds, so today, we’ll take apart the angel deck...
Challenging economic conditions are affecting businesses of all sizes, resulting in job cuts. Storytelling platform Wattpad announced Tuesday that it has laid off 42 of its...
It’s not just TikTok Spotify is taking inspiration from with its app’s redesign, the company also announced today new features inspired by YouTube and other social...
Fake virtual identities are nothing new. The ability to so easily create them has been both a boon for social media platforms — more “users” —...
Facebook head Tom Alison announced today that the company is testing the ability for users to access their Messenger inbox within the Facebook app. Back in...
Was it the pandemic? Did everyone follow too many ADHD TikTokers? Have smartphones fried our brains? Whatever the case, there is a boom in ADHD tech...
When Microsoft, after a decade-long hiatus, relaunched its now 40-year-old Flight Simulator series in 2020, it reignited interest in a genre that had long been a...
Tesla has cut the prices of its Model S sedan and Model X SUV in the U.S., according to the company’s website. This is the second...
To be successful, a business needs to have a plan for revenue in the short term and profitability in the long. Early-stage founders might be tempted...
TGIF, my TechCrunch homies. It’s that time of week again — the time for Week in Review, where we recap the past five days in tech...