The Office is working overtime to keep fans entertained. The series finale of the NBC workplace comedy aired in 2013, but nearly a decade later fans...
The first three minutes of Servant‘s third season on Apple TV+ unfold without a word. It’s just us watching Leanne Grayson (Nell Tiger Free) go through...
Apple SharePlay is a fun new feature that enables people on FaceTime to watch videos or listen to music together. With synced playback and shared controls,...
From the bitchy shop girls in Pretty Woman to the bitchy shop girls in Legally Blonde, the retail workers tasked with helping you shop for clothes...
Rodrigo Vicuna Contributor Cryptocurrency and blockchain had a breakout year in 2021. ust look at the numbers: 80 million unique crypto wallets; Bitcoin and Ether grew...
Let’s get into it! Software consulting (TechCrunch+) How should non technical founders collaborate with software developers? Miranda Halpern continues the TechCrunch Experts project by interviewing CEO...
In an effort to explore the relationship between humans and robots, researchers at Columbia University have developed a robot that can mirror human facial expressions. EVA...
I’ve worked at early-stage startups where we relied on our best guesses to shape product pipelines and develop marketing strategies. I have also held jobs at...
Gary York is the CEO of Help Lightning. He is a serial entrepreneur with four successful software and services exits: three private sales and one IPO....
Software consultants come in many forms, but if you cannot write your own code, finding a developer who meets your needs can be a stressful process...