Disney/Marvel Studios According to Variety, Disney is developing a Marvel limited series starring Falcon and Winter Soldier. It raises further questions about Captain America’s fate in...
John Phillips/UK Press via Getty A digital billboard near Disneyland is asking Disney to rehire James Gunn for “Guardians of the Galaxy 3.” It was paid...
“The Haunting of Hill House”Netflix In an age of streaming, audiences often binge their latest obsessions while waiting for the next one. Every week, Parrot Analytics...
This year’s “Halloween,” now in theaters, is the latest R-rated movie to make big bucks at the box office. Blumhouse The Motion Picture Association of America...
Marvel Studios Disney is pushing “Black Panther” in 16 Oscar categories and “Avengers: Infinity War” in just one: visual effects. The categories “Black Panther” is campaigning...
Netflix The cast of Netflix’s hit horror series, “The Haunting of Hill House,” revealed what makes the show so disturbing in an interview with Spot. Oliver...
Netflix “Bodyguard” is the latest hit British TV series Netflix is streaming outside of the UK. The show stars “Game of Thrones” actor Richard Madden and...
“House of Cards”Netlix Some fan-favorite TV series are returning in November, as the year winds to a close. Every month, Business Insider looks at the most...
Julia Roberts in “Homecoming”Amazon There are more television options than ever before, and that means it’s tough to watch everything we want to. But that doesn’t...
Lucasfilm The Boba Fett standalone “Star Wars” movie is dead, according to Deadline and reporter Erick Weber. Disney is instead focusing on the live-action “Star Wars”...