“The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”Netflix Netflix already has an impressive catalog of horror titles that genre enthusiasts can explore this Halloween season, from Netflix original films...
Disney New titles come and go on Netflix every week, but choosing what to stream can be a daunting task. That’s why every week Business Insider...
“Atlanta” FX Director Todd Phillips revealed the first photo of “Atlanta” and “Deadpool 2” actress Zazie Beetz in “Joker.” Beetz’s character is reportedly a “single mother...
Roseanne Barr and John Goodman.ABC Reboots. Revivals. Returns. It’s hard to classify the craze of TV shows being brought back to life. Some return with all-new...
Sarah Jacobs A new Market Force Information survey found which theater chains are the most popular among nearly 13,000 participants. The survey asked participants to rank...
Marvel Comics Disney is expected to enter the streaming game next year, and it’s bringing the Avengers with it. According to Variety, Disney is developing TV series...
“X-Men: Days of Future Past” Fox Disney CEO Bob Iger told The Hollywood Reporter that it “makes sense” for Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige to oversee...
“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” Marvel Studios Disney CEO Bob Iger told The Hollywood Reporter that the decision to fire “Guardians of the Galaxy” director...
Marvel Studios Loki will reportedly star in a TV series on Disney’s upcoming streaming service. Thanos killed Loki in “Avengers: Infinity War.” It’s possible the series...
Marvel Studios Disney is reportedly developing a Scarlet Witch TV series spinning off from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Elizabeth Olsen is expected to reprise the...