“Wolfwalkers” is an upcoming animated film from Cartoon Saloon. Cartoon Saloon/YouTube Apple has acquired two family-friendly feature films in its recent push into video content, “Wolfwalkers”...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. AP Mark Zuckerberg once coded a program to help him beat a schoolchild at Scrabble, according to a lengthy New Yorker profile...
Alex Jones on InfoWars. Screenshot/Infowars Apple on Friday banned the InfoWars app from its App Store for violating the company’s rules about “objectionable content.” InfoWars, a...
Vertical Aerospace’s flying vehicle. G F Williams Flying vehicle startup Vertical Aerospace has conducted the first test flight of its electric vertical take off and landing...
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla. Scott Olson / Getty Images Elon Musk said it is “probably not wise” to kick robots in a wide-ranging interview...
Elon Musk smokes weed on the “Joe Rogan Experience.” Joe Rogan Experience/YouTube Elon Musk took a drag on a joint during his interview with former UFC...
“Call of Duty” revealed the map for its new battle royale game. Flickr Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Friday....
For when the zombie apocalypse hits. Gene Page/AMC Super rich Silicon Valley moguls are buying up millions of dollars’ worth of doomsday bunkers and installing them...
Senator Bernie Sanders. Alex Edelman/Getty Images Senator Bernie Sanders introduced legislation aimed at forcing huge companies like Amazon to pay their employees better wages. The bill...
Ashton Kutcher shared his thoughts on electric scooters. Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Thursday....