In “Alligator Man”, the opening act of Atlanta Season 2, viewers were given a glimpse into the shared family life of Earn (Donald Glover) and Alfred...
Tim Minchin’s smash hit Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical has grown up — or rather, grown into a movie musical of the same name, featuring revolting children, a...
It’s probably not a good thing when a big product announcement from Google is met with a resounding: Why? But for at least some of us,...
Large, living legends dwell in the remote Alaskan wilderness. They’re the internet-famous bears of Katmai National Park and Preserve, and they grow impressively fat over the...
Millions of people have already taken a DNA test. Success stories like finding a birth parent or discovering that you’re related to a president would make...
Dubious text messages from unknown numbers were multiplying before my eyes. More worryingly, they were starting to evolve. I’m not talking classic phishing strategies (the IRS...
Ah, 2022. Cryptocurrency’s first full year in the mainstream…and it was an unmitigated disaster. But even amid crypto’s biggest crash yet, the scams flourished. And while...
From Calabasas all the way to King’s Landing, there are two families. Both united in opulent wealth. Both united in monstrous influence. Both two sides of...
Disney’s catalog runs deep. As deep as the ocean. As deep as the Mariana Trench!! When you don’t know what to watch, a safe bet is...
Netflix’s newest true crime series, Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, is a dramatization of the life and crimes of one of America’s most notorious serial killers....