After a quarter of a century in wrestling, John Cena is retiring from in-ring action later this year. However, the longtime WWE superstar (and recent Hollywood...
Brady Corbert’s The Brutalist is one of the most prominently featured films in this year’s awards season, including widespread Oscar expectations of a Greatest Picture nod....
While there’s a robust global market of smartphone manufacturers, in the U.S., most people are probably rocking something made by Apple, Samsung, or Google. Those businesses...
There’s a delicious surprise in Night Call, a Brussels-set action movie that plays out over one brutal night shift. And it’s just how plausible every moment...
During the dark days of lockdown, we all found ways to connect. Some of us ran Zoom quizzes with mates. Some of us hit play on...
In just a matter of days, the lights will switch off on the app that has almost dominated, and certainly defined, the United States in the...
An unremarkable real-world thriller, September 5 fails on numerous fronts: both as a film re-telling the 1972 Munich Olympics hostage crisis, and as a journalistic retrospective...
Lawrence Lamont’s One of Them Days is a feel-good buddy comedy just when we need it the most: in the middle of a gloomy January. Dreux...
Forget death and taxes. The one certainty in life is that when you hit middle age, teenagers will roll their eyes at you and find you...
UPDATE: Jan. 16, 2025, 11:25 a.m. EST This article was originally published in March 2023. It has been updated in January 2025 in light of Trump’s...