As far as credit cards go, I’m fairly modest. There are only three cards I keep in my wallet, two of which I use on...
A big part of being good with money is figuring out how to balance spending for now and saving for later. Principal, a financial firm...
Not everyone needs a financial adviser, but the benefits of working with a professional are hard to overlook. Whether you’re just starting out in your...
If your savings are sitting in an account earning less than 1% in interest, you’re missing out. Dozens of banks, financial institutions, and even robo-advisers...
If you think renting is expensive, you’d be surprised by all the hidden costs that come with homeownership. Buying a house is a huge financial...
The journey to building wealth is a highly personal one, but it may be helpful to know how you compare to others along the way....
Credit scores are an essential part of adulthood. The three-digit number is an indicator of your trustworthiness as a borrower. If you have a low...
I don’t know about you, but I like to reward myself for saving money toward specific goals. No, not by spending it — by putting...
If you’re serious about building long-term wealth, you’ll probably find yourself face-to-face with a financial planner at some point. A good certified financial planner can...
Personal finance is just that — personal. Very few people’s expenses, spending habits, and money proclivities are alike. The good news is that regardless of...